With louise paterson
Community Midwifery Services has partnered with Dr Saul Cohen to offer care which is personal and individual to your needs. We can care for you whether you are having a low or high risk pregnancy. Dr Cohen is passionate about ‘Keeping Birth Normal’ and promotes waterbirth and vaginal birth after Caesarian. He is always happy to discuss your wishes.
Care with us is totally flexible, but we promote continuity in the antenatal and postnatal period since we know the benefits to the family are long lasting. We know that this care results in a calmer and more confident pregnancy, birth and postnatal period, and a stronger connection to your baby throughout the process.
We believe in making pregnancy, birth and beyond a positive experience. We all love to educate and understand that this is the key to success. We therefore focus on the process and the journey for you as parents, in becoming a Mother and a Father.
The birth itself is just such a small part of the big picture, and although significant, should not define you as a woman or a mother.
It is important to be well prepared for any eventuality and to understand how your body works so that you can utilise this knowledge to your advantage, but at the end of the day, anything can happen. Well balanced birth preparation is the key to success, and feeling good about the process.
The other important fact, that no one talks about, is to really know yourself. Knowing your emotional needs, and your triggers to stress can really help you on the day to stay strong and motivated, but also prepare you for the challenges of Motherhood.
It teaches you to be aware of your needs, to build in support and self- care early. It makes you aware that you cannot do this on your own, and are not meant to.
All our visits are home visits. We have time to really get to know you, and this can include some relaxing Reflexology treatments too.
Midwifery Shared Antenatal Care appointments
Clients can receive Midwifery Shared Antenatal Care appointments throughout their pregnancy, shared with their public hospital. Dr Cohen is happy to be an extra resource if you need a second opinion.
Shared antenatal care with Dr Cohen
Shared antenatal care with Dr Cohen is flexible and can be as much or as little as the client wishes. All our midwifery antenatal appointments are at home, and can be booked at any time, as a one off, or as regular as the client prefers.
Birth Classes & Education around Motherhood
·Birth Classes and education around Motherhood: Motherhood 101 are also available. They can be held at home, or at St Augustines in Mentone. Every 3rd Saturday of the month.
Postnatal Care
Postnatal Care – we offer a very popular postnatal home visiting service which can be booked in pregnancy, or at any time after birth. We can visit as soon as you come home from hospital. We provide lactation support, early parenting education and sleeping and settling advice. We ensure you are well prepared and supported, and help link you with any community resources you may need.
Alternative Care
Alternative Care – Reflexology: one of the best modalities for pregnancy and beyond. Reflexology ensures stress relief, reducing fears and anxiety, aids physical well being, and promotes emotional health and well being. It can also be a gentle, but effective tool for induction of labour at term.