Dr Saul Cohen - Obstetrics

My role is to guide you through the miraculous journey of pregnancy and birth, ensuring that you and you baby are safe. My philosophy is that pregnancy and birth are natural processes, and should be left as such, unless necessary for the benefit of mother or baby. Natural birth is best facilitated by education and choice. I encourage all my women to attend pregnancy and birth classes.  Working collaboratively with like-minded midwifes further promotes natural birth.

  • During birth I encourage women to labour in positions that promote natural birth.

  • I support labour and birth in water as long as no contradictory circumstances arise. 

  •  I also promote vaginal birth of twins for most women.

  • Breast-feeding has many benefits to both mother and baby. I promote breast feeding, working collaboratively with midwives and lactation consultants.

  • Expressing breast milk during the last few weeks of pregnancy is beneficial to some women, e.g. those with diabetes and I encourage these women to do so.

  •  Perineal massage and the use of products such as Epi-no have been shown to decrease perineal trauma and I encourage women to take advantage of this.

  • Breech presentation is a controversial issue in obstetrics. I highly recommend external cephalic version (ECV) to decrease breech presentation at term. For the well informed and carefully selected I am happy for women birth breech babies vaginally.

  • I routinely delay clamping of the umbilical cord as the growing medical evidence supports this practice.

best obstetrician Melbourne

Dr Saul Cohen - Gynaecology

All too often, reproductive health concerns may remain unaddressed. Some women feel too embarrassed to talk to their doctor about their problems, or are not aware of the simple and effective treatments readily available.  I constantly keep up to date with the latest research and techniques, however, I am also an approachable doctor with a caring bedside manner.

Not infrequently, patients discuss health concerns with me that they have been too shy to mention to other health professionals for many years.

Common Women’s Health Issues:

  • Management of abnormal pap smears/colposcopy

  • Endometriosis and pelvic pain

  • Menstrual issues

  • Pelvic organ prolapse

  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome

  • Urinary incontinence

  • Early pregnancy complications, such as ectopic pregnancy or recurrent miscarriage

  • Infertility issues or Pre-pregnancy work up or counselling

Gynaecological Treatments performed by Dr Saul Cohen:

  • LLETZ procedure (treatment for abnormal pap smears)

  • Laparoscopic Surgery (key hole surgery) – including: Removal of ovarian cyst/ovaries, Resection & diathermy of endometriosis, adhesiolysis, checking tubal patency and bilateral tubal ligation.

  • Hysteroscopy – Including: removal of endometrial polyps or sub mucosa fibroids, adhesiolysis and Mirena insertion or removal.

  • Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) including: Laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy, Total abdominal hysterectomy & vaginal hysterectomy

  • Pelvic floor/ prolapse surgery – Including: Anterior and Posterior vaginal repair, incontinence surgery and Fenton’s procedure (for pain with intercourse after perineal repair).